High-Quality Care Diplomas

Call for a quote: 0330 107 6537

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Accredited Diplomas

Full Assessor Support

Multiple Pathways Available

Our Most Popular Diplomas:

Diplomas in Health & Social Care

Qualifications for carers (also known as RQFs, NVQs or QCFs) needn't cost the earth to complete. Our aim is to make these qualifications as accessible as possible to everyone in the Health and Social Care sector. Whether an experienced manager or a new care assistant, we have a cost-effective solution for you.

We specialise in care diplomas and offer a wide range to accommodate all care settings and care roles. If you are unsure which you need, please call one of our advisors who will be happy to help you find the qualification that suits you best.

Diplomas accredited by:

NCFE logo

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